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Registration Information

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) 133rd Annual Convention and Trade Show will be held January 30-February 2, 2025 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center - Columbia.  This is the primary meeting for veterinarians from around the state and also attracts those from neighboring states. 


MVMA would like to invite you to display your products and services at this year's Convention.  The Trade Show is an integral component of the Convention and provides exposure and an opportunity to interact with more than 450 veterinary professionals and students.


Partners for Progress will receive two booth spaces included with their Partnership and Associate Members of the Association are entitled to a $25.00 discount on their exhibit booth.  In addition, they have the opportunity to select their booth location before other exhibitors and receive special listing in our newsletter and Convention program.  If you would like to take advantage of this Associate Member opportunity, you may do so by completing the Associate Membership Form and submitting your Associate Member fee of $332 along with your Application for Exhibit Space.  

Convention Information

The Exhibit Hall will be open at 8:00 AM on Friday, January 31 and will remain open until 5:00 PM.  The Exhibit Hall Party will begin at 4:00 PM on Friday.  The Exhibit Hall will also be open from 9:30 AM – 2:40 PM on Saturday. 


NOTE:  At the request of your fellow exhibitors and for the benefit of our attendees, we will be enforcing Saturday’s ending time to maintain a strong Exhibit Hall throughout the convention.  All exhibitors will be required to remain set up until the 2:40 PM scheduled ending time on Saturday. Any exhibitor beginning an early tear down or displaying any evidence of packing or disassembly of an exhibit booth will incur a $500 “early teardown” penalty and will possibly jeopardize the opportunity of exhibiting with MVMA in future years.  If incurred, an invoice for this penalty will be sent to the home office of the exhibiting company.  Any exception will require advanced approval from the MVMA Convention Planning Committee.


The Convention format is designed so that it will maximize traffic for your booth.  Along with meal functions and several scheduled breaks in the Exhibit Hall and the Exhibit Hall Party on Friday evening, there is ample time for attendees to visit booths in a relaxed atmosphere. 


MVMA gives Exhibitors the opportunity to provide giveaways (i.e. pens, magnets, product flyers, memo pads etc.) for the attendees’ registration packets. These items must plan to arrive at our MVMA office by Friday, January 24. Please indicate on the Application if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity.  Further, MVMA will have door prize drawings that serve as excellent incentives for attendees to visit the Exhibit Hall and your booth.  Please indicate on the Application if you would be willing to donate a door prize or if you would like more information about sponsorship opportunities.  MVMA will collect door prizes for display during the Exhibitor set-up time.

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation would also like to request donation items ($50 value) to be used for the Friday evening Silent Auction. 

Exhibit Schedule


Friday, January 31, 2025                   8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 

Exhibit Hall Party                        4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025             9:30 a.m. – 2:40 p.m. (STRICTLY ENFORCED)



Thursday, January 30, 2025             2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.              Set-up

Saturday, February 1, 2025             2:40 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.              Teardown


COST:  The exhibitor fee of $1095 ($545 for second booth) includes:

  • 8' x 10' Booth Space with pipe and drape 

  • 6' draped and skirted table (1) 

  • Chairs (2) 

  • Wastebasket                                                      

  • Signage

  • Wireless Internet  

  • Carpeting is optional (order through hotel)

  • Unlimited Exhibit Hall badges

  • Complimentary listing in conference program

  • Two complimentary sets of Meal Tickets for Friday and Saturday (excluding Saturday dinner)


(NOTE: Associate Members receive a $25.00 discount on booth costs and early option for booth selection after our Partners.)


ACCOMMODATIONS:  A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved for MVMA at The Holiday Inn Executive Center - Columbia. The convention rate is $135.00 plus applicable taxes. This rate includes in-room wireless high speed internet service. To make your room reservations online, CLICK HERE. Attendees, please use room block code MVM for making reservations by phone. You can call the hotel directly at 573-445-8531. Holiday Inn Executive Center - Columbia is located at 2200 Interstate 70 Dr SW, Columbia, MO 65203. 

Hotel cutoff date is Monday, January 13, 2025. 

ADDITIONAL OPTIONS:  Additional equipment, electrical service, telephone service, and/or booth decoration is available for an additional fee through our exhibitor services provider.  A list of available options and an order form will be sent with confirmation of booth space reservation and location.


STORAGE:  Storage space is not available for display material and/or show merchandise.  All related equipment, crates, trash, etc. must be removed no later than 4:00 PM on February 1, 2025.


SHIPPING OF EXHIBITION MATERIAL:  Shipping information and instructions will be sent with confirmation of booth space reservation.


SPACE ASSIGNMENT:  Assignment will be made in the order in which the applications, accompanied by payment, are received.  Partners for Progress then Associate Members, who submit Application by November 10, will have first option.  Every effort will be made to honor all requests for booth space. PLEASE NOTE ANY DIRECT COMPETITORS.  EVERY EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO KEEP PLACEMENT SEPARATE.


FACILITY RESTRICTIONS:  Due to fire codes, exits may not be blocked with tables, pipe and drape, easels or other equipment.  No objects may be tacked or in any manner attached to the walls or other parts of the hotel or its furnishings. 


BOOTH PERSONNEL:  The booth should be staffed by exhibitor personnel during the time that the Exhibit Hall is open to attendees.  Exhibitors will be provided with unlimited badges for booth reservations, but only two sets of meal tickets (four sets of meal tickets for two booths).  Additional sets of meal tickets; which includes breakfast on Friday and lunch on Friday and Saturday may be obtained at a cost of $108.00 per person. 


LIABILITY:  An indemnity clause is included on the application form.  The Exhibit Hall will be locked during the hours when the exhibits are closed.  Every reasonable precaution will be taken to protect the exhibitor against a loss, but there is no guarantee.

ELIGIBLE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: Acceptable products and services to be exhibited include: veterinary specific products, business enhancement products and services, and financial opportunities appropriate for a family friendly event that are related to the veterinary industry. Ineligible exhibits include, but are not limited to: those exhibiting illegal services or activities, those supporting philosophies or actions in opposition to those of MVMA, those that are harassing, discriminatory or violate the AVMA Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics, those that offer products or services in competition with MVMA, those that offer products or services that are not appropriate for a family friendly event. MVMA reserves the ultimate right to determine eligibility of an exhibitor at any time, including onsite at the convention.

Contact Information

MVMA meeting planner, Pam Widener, will be your primary planning contact for the Convention and Trade Show.  Please do not hesitate to contact Pam at 573-201-7522 (call or text) or email:  Please contact MVMA offices at 573-636-8612 if you have questions regarding on-line registration or if you need assistance.  MVMA looks forward to seeing you in January!

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